American From the Start

The story of Dunn-Edwards has its roots in America since 1925. The company has operated in the USA, growing from a single family-run shop in Los Angeles to more than 150 store locations throughout the Southwest today.


Dunn-Edwards is a proud member of the National Paint Alliance

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Made in America

We certify that Dunn-Edwards manufactured paint products are “Made in USA from domestic and imported ingredients” in conformance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines. Dunn-Edwards manufactured paint products are made in the world’s first and only LEED Gold-certified paint factory, located in Phoenix, Arizona.
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Buy American Act

We certify that Dunn-Edwards manufactured paint products are “commercially available off-the-shelf items” that are construction materials manufactured in the United States and therefore qualify as “Domestic Construction Material” as defined in FAR Clause 52.225-9 Buy American – Construction Materials (amended Nov. 2021).
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An American Tradition

For over 85 years, Dunn-Edwards has been in the United States creating jobs and manufacturing paint products that help keep America beautiful. For examples of projects using Dunn-Edwards Paints
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